Assess your Fair Deal eligibility and calculate your nursing home costs in less than one minute.

Eligibility Details

Completed from the perspective of the elder person in question.

About You

Financial Details

Completed from the perspective of the elder person in question.



Savings & Investments

Contact Details

Completed from the perspective of the person filling out this form. We may send you an email with a suggestion to connect you to a nursing home in your preferred county.

Data Consent

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Grandpal can make mistakes. As always, double-check important information.

The above information is an educated guess based on the most important parameters but may differ from the actual amounts.We advice to talk to a nursing home professional, preferably even directly from the nursing homes that you are targeting, to have the most accurate information possible.

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Unlock invaluable insights to finding the perfect nursing home in Ireland. Use promo code “GRANDPALHOMESEARCH2024” to save 50%! For just €9.49, you’ll get:

• Comprehensive insights into different types of care
• Detailed understanding of the Fair Deal Scheme
• Step-by-step guidance on choosing the right nursing home

Don’t miss this opportunity to make informed decisions with ease. Get your guide today!
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Calculate the average monthly nursing home cost

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Estimated Average Amount For Your Nursing Home: